Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday Portrait Session 6

"Bridgette", charcoal on paper, 18" x 18"

My six session drawing of Bridgette is done. I'm pretty happy with it, but mostly I am looking forward to starting the next portrait next week. I felt like I learned so much through each stage of this drawing, and I am hoping the next one will be more consistent in its development.

For any Bay Area artists who are interested, I did this drawing at the Bay Area Classical Artist Atelier in Belmont. BACAA runs ongoing open studio sessions with a model several days a week, including Saturdays. Its one of the few Bay Area life drawing classes to offer extended multi-week poses. They also host workshops with a highly notable roster of teachers from all over the country, such as Juliette Aristides, Ted Seth Jacobs, Dan Thompson, and Michael Grimaldi. Learn more at the BACAA web site.